Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) is located in the EOP Center (view campus map), near the southwest corner of the Quad and next to South Hall.
Winter Break Center Hours
The Center for the Educational Opportunity Program will have revised hours of operation during winter break.
December 16-20
The EOP Center will be closed. EOP will operate virtually. Virtual Front Desk Hours: 9 AM - 3 PM
Zoom Meeting ID: 530 752 9366 Passcode: EOP2324
Link to Virtual Front Desk: https://ucdavis.zoom.us/my/eopfirstofmany
December 23, 26-27, 30 and January 2-3
The EOP Center will be closed. No Virtual Front Desk. Staff available via email.
December 24-25, 31, and January 1
The university will be closed.
Julie Agosto-King, EOP Director, jdagosto@ucdavis.edu
Dr. Candice E. Brooks, EOP Assistant Director, cebrooks@ucdavis.edu
Lauren Cristobal, Academic Success and Retention Specialist, lgcristobal@ucdavis.edu
Teresa Hernandez, Academic Success and Retention Specialist, thernandezquezada@ucdavis.edu
Donald Carter, III, Academic Success and Retention Advisor, dorcarter@ucdavis.edu
Mailing Address
Educational Opportunity Program
University of California, Davis
One Shields Avenue
Davis CA 95616